Title:Plastic and resin desiccant dryers(including desiccant dryers, rotary dryers, hopper dryer)
Author:Plastic dryer
Date:2021-08-24 14:15:58

Most raw plastic material looks dry. However, everything is not always what it seems. Hygroscopic materials such as Polycarbonate, Nylon and PET to name just three, attract moisture from the surrounding air. So, although it is manufactured “dry” by the time it gets to the processor it will have some moisture content. During processing a chemical reaction (hydrolysis) takes place making the long polymer chains shorter. Long polymer chains are required to make good product. Short chains result in poor quality mouldings.
Attempt to process raw materials that have moisture content and you could find a number of ultimately expensive issues, such as product quality in terms of strength and appearance.

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